Hey All,
First off, RECORD STORE DAY is this saturday. Go to your local record store and spend some of that hard earned cash. Who needs rent when you got music! I'll be spending a bit of the morning at Amoeba SF and maybe a secret store which has less people..... (really not that secret)
What a week for
releases. My favorite one that seems to have slipped a bit under the radar is Paul Simons -So Beautiful or So What.Listening to this record reminds me of how much some of my favorite artists owe to this man. Without Paul Simon there is no Vampire Weekend or any of the current crop of artists who specialize in afro pop. This album is great to. Subtle but powerful. Oh BTW he's coming to town soon. I'll be attending his show at the Fillmore later this month.

TV on the Radio's newest -Nine Types of Light is a grower. I'm sick of the articles about this being a more peaceful album celebrating love, etc. Its just the evolution of a bunch of guys getting older. Beautiful as it is boring. I don't think it will have the staying power of Dear Science or Cookie Mountain, but nonetheless is a great listen. See them at the Independent at the end of this month as well.
(if you were one of the lucky ones to get tickets which sold out in about 2 minutes)

Panda Bear's newest -Tomboy is tough to put a finger on. More structured than person pitch, it seems to be his most accesible listen to date. However, its sort of drones on... Hard to tell if this was his intention. Still, an average Panda Bear album is better than a great record by most.
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